Necro Hippie of Ash Lee Blade Interview | Part 2

Bass Guitar Rocks: Harris and Butler are instrumental in the songwriting of their respective bands, do you write songs in your current or previous bands?

Necro Hippie:  I did some writing on the second CD for Gutshot, and I wrote a little bit while I was in an Ottawa based band called Tidrake. The four songs on the Ash Lee Blade [self-titled]EP are written by myself and Ash.  I’ve also written or co-written up to eight other songs in our set.

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Is One Bass Guitar Enough?

I recently read an article online about owning guitars.  The author’s belief was that there is always ‘room for one more’, but I disagree.  After a certain amount of instruments (the exact number will vary for each of us) you exceed the number that you can use and/or maintain on a regular basis. So Many … Read more

Ultimate Basses Interview with Dave | Part 1

[ad#post-ad] As a Canadian bass player, there’s a lot of cool instruments and equipment that I’ve only had the chance to see online or in a magazine.  Luckily, in the past few years there have been a few Canadian retailers emerging that specialize in bass-only gear. One such store is Ultimate Basses, located in Guelph, Ontario. I had a chance … Read more

Sting: Broken Music – A Memoir

[ad#post-ad] Title: Broken Music – A Memoir Author: Sting Summary: Believe it or not, Sting paid his dues by working in small clubs and song writing for years before he achieved true success with the Police. Besides Sir Paul McCartney, Sting is the most well known bassist out there. He’s starred in movies, lives in … Read more

Rush: Snakes and Arrows Review

[ad#post-ad] Rush are back again for their 19th studio album and sounds more lively than they have in years! So what has rekindled the fire in Rush? Some might say that Vapour Trails (their last studio album) was an opportunity to clean the slate after the tragedy that befell Neil Peart and his family. Others … Read more

Bassists: Achieve Righteous Tone and Attain True Happiness

You can’t quite put your finger on it, but for some reason you’re just not happy with your sound. You’ve been playing for a while and have decent gear, but something just seems to be missing. Sooner or later you may be seduced by advertisers and decide that a new piece of equipment will ‘fix’ … Read more
