Omega A.D. hit the stage for Molten Metal Mayhem 3!

oadmmm3.jpgI had a gig August 11, 2007.  What a blast! 

Here’s some back story – I had my second child last November – a bouncing baby boy named Quintin.  Though I am blessed to be a father twice over, baby #2 really turned my life upside down.  This is a good thing, really – but it has reduced my practice time, rehearsal time and gigging time down to near non-existent levels.

I wasn’t sure until about two weeks before the show that I’d be able to pull it off, but I’m glad it worked out.  Playing on stage after all this time was very therapeutic.  I didn’t even suck as much as I thought I should after so much time away :)! Perhaps surprisingly, performing on stage was only half of the amazing experience I had that night.

I had the rare chance to take in a live show as an audience member!  I got to hang with my bro, Oral and my wife and drink beer while listening to some great tunes!  What’s not to like?  Mark, Oral and I even managed to sneak out to the parking lot during a band change-over and do a little “crown”. 

I give full praise to my friend Tyler Dombroskie who put the entire event together.  Molten Metal Mayhem is now in it’s third year, and is getting better each time.  After some technical difficulties Tyler experienced last year with the P.A. system, he really pulled out all the stops to make MMM exceptional in ’07. 

It was a very relaxed and welcoming atmosphere.  The audience seemed receptive to all the bands (of course some more than others) and it just seemed like a big house party.  The quality from band to band was higher than I’ve witnessed in a long time – those who attended got a lot of bang for their buck as far as talent goes.  Even the house music between bands was good and suited the style of music of the night – namely hard rock and metal!(Such a simple concept, but few bars seem to get it!)

I also got to witness yet another iteration of perhaps my favourite Indie Metal act out there today – Sang Freud.  I welcome each chance I get to see them.  I spent a few minutes talking to my friend Jonathan Lisinski – who writes all the music, lyrics and plays rhythm, lead and SINGS live.  A truly talented guy.

The bar has been raised for Molten Metal Mayhem 4 next year, but I feel that Tyler is up to the challenge.  He brought in a sponsor this year – Different Strokes (a head shop) which helped increase the promotion and legitimacy of the event.  Who knows, with a few more sponsors MMM might be able to spread over multiple days or multiple stages. 

It’s plain to see that Molten Metal Mayhem is building momentum, and I look forward to participating and witnessing its further evolution next year!

 Long live MMM!

  • Tyler Dombroski says:


    Thank you for the kind words! I had to laugh a little when you made mention of the “crown”…I found the empty bottle outside, tisk tisk!

    With the support of the fans we can definatly anticipate an even bigger MMM4. Thanks to all who attended, without all the ‘Metal Maniacs’ we wouldn’t have had a show, and to all the bands (especialy OAD) thanks for giving it hell and showing Southern Ontario that metal is forever!!

    -Rockin’ Smirf

  • Uh – not sure who finished off the crown, but I had nothing to do with leaving it on the ground – I ain’t no litterbug!

    I’m also a jerk for not mentioning the names of the other bands that participated in MMM: Hazard to Society, Jakk Damage, Pitch Union, Ash Lee Blade (interview coming soon with their bassist), Gusknuckle and the aforementioned Sang Freud and Omega A.D. – of course.

    For more info on Molten Metal Mayhem – check out the official website:!

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