Cliff Burton Tribute | 24 Years Later

Image via Wikipedia Today marks the 24th anniversary of Cliff Burton‘s death. He died at age 24, on September 27, 1986 – so that makes this particular year a little more poignant; Cliff has been gone for as long as he was upon the earth. Cliff Burton was a huge inspiration for me. Until I … Read more

Bass Guitar gaining popularity from video games

It’s rare that I get to write about video games and bass guitar together, but the recent news about the new Fender Precision bass guitar controller got me thinking about the bass guitar becoming more accessible with video games. The Guitar Hero and Rock Band video games have introduced classic rock songs anywhere from 30 … Read more

Necro Hippie of Ash Lee Blade Interview | Part 2

Bass Guitar Rocks: Harris and Butler are instrumental in the songwriting of their respective bands, do you write songs in your current or previous bands?

Necro Hippie:  I did some writing on the second CD for Gutshot, and I wrote a little bit while I was in an Ottawa based band called Tidrake. The four songs on the Ash Lee Blade [self-titled]EP are written by myself and Ash.  I’ve also written or co-written up to eight other songs in our set.

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Is One Bass Guitar Enough?

I recently read an article online about owning guitars.  The author’s belief was that there is always ‘room for one more’, but I disagree.  After a certain amount of instruments (the exact number will vary for each of us) you exceed the number that you can use and/or maintain on a regular basis. So Many … Read more
