Bass Guitar Amplifiers | How to buy a bass amp

This article is an attempt to answer the timeless ‘which bass guitar amplifier should I buy’ question. By the time you finish reading it you’ll know exactly how to find the perfect bass amplifier for your current and future needs. Which bass guitar amplifier should I buy? Hang out on a bass guitar forum for … Read more

Bass Guitar Rocks | All Work and No Play…

To Readers of Bass Guitar Rocks – my apologies. I haven’t been posting regular updates on this site.  Since early December I’ve taken on additional work responsibilities and haven’t had as much free time to devote here.  While this is a less than ideal situation, I fully intend it to be a short-term one. Part … Read more

Bass Guitar Rocks | Thanksgiving

Thanks for visiting Bassguitarrocks! (BGR) After posting steadily for a little over a month I thought it was time that I should write my first editorial, so here it goes. [ad#post-ad] My aim with BGR is to produce weekly content every Thursday, and I’ve been successful with it so far. However, this has come at … Read more

Necro Hippie of Ash Lee Blade Interview | Part 2

Bass Guitar Rocks: Harris and Butler are instrumental in the songwriting of their respective bands, do you write songs in your current or previous bands?

Necro Hippie:  I did some writing on the second CD for Gutshot, and I wrote a little bit while I was in an Ottawa based band called Tidrake. The four songs on the Ash Lee Blade [self-titled]EP are written by myself and Ash.  I’ve also written or co-written up to eight other songs in our set.

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