Basscast Episode 001: Bass, Business, Marketing & Lifestyle

“The one where we introduce ourselves and stuff.”

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Basscast with jason raso and mike ippersiel episode 1This “Basscast” is about what it takes to make a living as a bassist in the current music industry.

The main categories up for discussion are Bass – Business – Marketing and Lifestyle. We’ll talk about everything from what it takes to be a better performer, musician and song writer – to the realities of making money, leading a band, managing band members (and drummers) and what it takes to keep your other main instrument (your body and mind) running strong so you can do this for the long haul.

I’m thankful for my co-host Jason Raso (phenomenal bassist of the Jason Raso Quartet), who was brave enough to join me in this endeavour.

In Basscast Episode 001 we introduce ourselves, share some jokes, Jason offers us the first “bass track” of the week and we set the stage for what’s to come. Watch it below:

Mentions From The Show: Let everyone know you’re a player in fashions by Lathon Bass Wear. – Jason’s website – Jason’s blog at Canadian Musician

About the Show

This is a weekly show that will run between 30 – 60 minutes. There are a few ways to check it out.

  1. Live – we do this on Google Hangouts live each week – this is the raw broadcast with zero editing of any kind.
  2. Youtube – shortly after we wrap up the show, it’s uploaded to Youtube. If you subscribe you’ll be notified of each new episode as it is ready to view.
  3. On Bass Guitar Rocks – this will be the ‘polished’ version of the show. Don’t expect a ton of production value, but you’ll have access to the full episode plus show notes, links to the sites/products/people etc. that we mention as well as include the bass track of the week right after the episode.
  4. The podcast – this is an audio-only version of the basscast. You’ll be able to subscribe to the show on iTunes and several other podcast services and directories. This is ‘in the works’ and pending listener demand – so if you want to subscribe and get your weekly dose direct to your iPhone/iPod/Android – let us know.

Slight Update – We’re playing around with some podcasting/audio streaming services. Give em a try and let us know if you run into any issues.
